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Request for a Proclamation

What is a Proclamation?

Proclamations by the mayor are a special way organizations can recognize an issue that impacts our community on a specific day, week, or month. Issued at the discretion of the mayor, all proclamations require an in-city sponsor and suggested language. These public service documents are strictly honorary, not legally binding, and cannot be issued for conferences, birthdays, retirements, weddings, or anniversaries.

How Do I Request a Proclamation?

Because proclamations are a special recognition of a significant date in our city, the mayor can only issue for one date period (day, week, or month) per year. Unfortunately, requests that are similar to a proclamation previously issued the same year will be declined. (For example, if "Crime Watch Day" is proclaimed on January 1, then "Crime Watch Week" or "Crime Watch Month" will not be proclaimed later in the year.) The City encourages local and state organizations to coordinate their efforts with other similar groups before contacting the Mayor's Office, to ensure proclamations are not duplicative. Organizations are also encouraged to request proclamations that coincide with national or state-designated dates.

Please know proclamation language submitted may be edited, rewritten, or rejected. A maximum of 5 copies can be issued per proclamation, per year, per constituent.

For more information, click the button below to review or download the Proclamation Guidelines.

Please note - the Mayor's office prioritizes local organizations and causes and evaluates state and national requests that are aligned with our administration's priorities on a case-by-case basis.

Proclamation Guidelines


When Should I Submit My Proclamation Request?

Requests should be made by filling out the online form below, no less than 21 business days in advance. Proclamations may be requested, but will not be issued, more than three months in advance.


What is your name?


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Last Name *

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Street Address 1 *

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Please provide at least one phone number or email address.

Home Telephone

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Business Telephone

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Email *

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Are you writing on behalf of an organization or group?

Organization Name

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Position or Title

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Please tell us about your proclamation.

Proclamation Type *

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Proclamation Title *

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Actual Proclamation Date *

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Proclamation Text *

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Reason for Proclamation *

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Date Proclamation is needed (mm/dd/yyyy) *

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Number of Copies Required *

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Do we need to know any additional information?

Please write your message.

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Photo by Phillip Stevens and Matt Lea